360º Motion Picture Panorama

The Motion Picture Panorama is built up from a single 16mm film which is guided through a plurality of (up to 16) film projectors, creating a continuous 360 ° landscape. This is achieved through a camera movement that, with the same speed at which the projectors show the film, makes a 360 ° turn.
The panoramic projection device with multiple synchronized 16mm film projectors is a realized dream of film technician Nico Komen.

During the 2023 SPECTRAL residency program at Filmwerkpaats Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie (AU) were invited to create a piece for the Motion Picture Panorama device.

Everyday Traffic
Everyday traffic on a quotidian Rotterdam’s 'plein'. Its 'busyness' flits in and out of existence, yet the plein continues. In the timeless battle of bodies in space, space is king.

short youtube video of the first (180º) showcase at our Back to the Future festival in 2017