Performance: Cyclone Tracer - Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie (AU)
15 min, double 16mm projection, 2018

Christmas eve, 1974, the city of Darwin in tropical northern Australia was devastated by Cyclone Tracy. In this, a single film print, featuring only concentric circles is bi-packed against itself in two 16mm projectors simultaneously. The quadrupled image of circles is transformed into troubled patterns of pulsating and swirling interference and whaling sounds of tropical violence.

Performance: One Hand - Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie (AU)
12 minutes, 4 x 16mm projectors with loops, single screen, 2021

A minimalist single-screen multi-projector work ... for just one hand. A restless hand, folding and folding onto itself. It makes no sound … and all the sound in the world.