Opening Programme
360° 16mm Motion Picture Panorama, Richard Tuohy & Dianna Barrie (AU)
Comment les chatons mignons vont détruire l’humanité, Maxim Fuhrer (BE)
Film Programme #2:
– Christmas on Earth, Barbara Rubin, US, 1963, 30’, 2x16mm, sound
– All That Sheltering Emptiness, Joey Carducci, US, 2010, 7’, 16mm, sound
– Song For Rent (After Jack Smith), Malic Amalya, US, 2019, 7’, 16mm, sound
Film Program #5:
– À quelle distance tombe la foudre?, Aurélie Percevault, FR, 2022, 4’, 16mm, silent/live sound
– El Nido del Sol, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, MX, 2021, 5’, 16mm
– Tierra en Trance, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, MX, 2022, 38’ 35mm"
– RE-BOOT a daily practice, The Cassette Library, lesson by Judith van der Made
– To carry something back, Pat Janeiro & Renata Daguerre (NL/DE)
loop installation, 2023
Programme – DAY TWO
Film Programme #3 feature:
Premiere Filmwerkplaats Pitch project film, Daphne Rosenthal, NL, 5’, 16mm, silent
Voluptuous sleep, Betzy Bromberg, US, 2011, 95’, 16mm, sound
New Land, Noud Heerkens 8’, 16mm
Pale gold, Noud Heerkens (NL) 12’, 3x16mm
Film Programme #6 shorts:
Filme Porte-Malheur: Le Pain, Gérémy Lelièvre, FR, 4’, 2022, 16mm, sound
Oxygen, Karel Doing, UK, 2023, 6’ ,16mm, sound
not (a)part, Vicky Smith, UK, 2019, 5’, 16mm, sound
Sound of a million insects, light of a thousand stars, Tomonari Nishikawa, US/JP, 2014, 2’, 35mm, sound
La Noirceur souterraine des racines, Charles-André Coderre, CA, 2022, 10’, 3x16mm, sound
Heliotropy, Alexandra Moralesova/Georgy Bagdasarov, CZ, 2023, 5’, 16mm, sound
Where is the Desert When Your Land is Made of Water?, Risk Hazekamp, NL, 2020, 2’, 35mm slides, silent
Boiling the piss, Michaela Davidova, NL, 2023, 4’, 16mm, silent
SPECTRAL Performance:
A Badly-made Figure in an Obscure Fishing Village (for SPECTRAL Open call Residency), Jim Lumbera and Joey Singh (PH)
Archeoscope, Jan Kulka (CZ)
– RE-BOOT a daily practice, The Cassette Library, lesson by Judith van der Made
– To carry something back, Pat Janeiro & Renata Daguerre (NL/DE)
loop installation, 2023
Programme – DAY ONE
360° 16mm Motion Picture Panorama (for SPECTRAL Residency), Richard Tuohy & Dianna Barrie (AU)
Artists’ Research in Optics lectures, Mariska de Groot (NL), Nan Wang (CN/NL), Jan Kulka (CZ)
Rotten Film, Cinzia Nistico (NL/IT)
Horror Film, Malcolm LeGrice (UK)
Film Programme #1 shorts:
Oscillation in Sight #1, Nan Wang, NL, 2023, 6’, 16mm + live sound
Els van Riel, Fugue, A Light’s Travelogue, BE, 2017, 27’, 16mm, sound
Tired, Stale Eyes…, Lucas Haynes, AU, 2023, 8’, 16mm, sound
II, Alexandre Larose, CA, 2022, 15’, S8→35mm, silent
Film Programme #4 shorts:
Today is a Very Special Day, 2003, Matt Whitman, US, 2023, 8’, 16mm, silent
Surfacing, Barbara Sternberg, CA, 2004, 11’, 16mm, sound
Abstract film en couleurs, Cécile Fontaine, FR, 1991, 3’, S8→16mm, silent
Eating Grass, Alia Syed, UK, 2003, 23’, 16mm, sound
Cyclone Tracery + One Hand, Richard Tuohy & Dianna Barrie (AU)
– RE-BOOT a daily practice, The Cassette Library, lesson by Judith van der Made
– To carry something back, Pat Janeiro & Renata Daguerre (NL/DE)
loop installation, 2023